Friday, November 11, 2011

D-day. Vietnam

In 1944 the war called D-day started. 150.000 allied troops landed in France to make the Germans go back to Germany but the Germans had other plans to stay but it did not work the Americans had 50.000 dead the Germans had 154.000. The bombing run did not work for the US army,
In 1960 the US army went to war. It was called Vietnam. The US lost the war the NVA used nova 6. It was the most deadly weapon ever invented. You would die before you hit the ground. The US army use air support to match. The NVA got so many anti air guns. The US lost the war. The NVA won the war. The end?

1 comment:

  1. Baz my good friend this writing is the best vietnam story I have ever heard better then the book I think that you should keep writing my friend about the army
    Your friendly mate Riki
